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3D Laser Scanning Services in China – 3D Scanning for Quality Control

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Do you wish to hasten the gathering of vital data to facilitate reverse engineering? Do you wish to increase the effectiveness of your construction projects? The most effective answer for you is 3D laser scanning technology. Our 3D laser scanning services can work remotely at your facility with cutting-edge 3D laser scanners and skilled operators to measure the necessary data with great accuracy and excellent detail in a short amount of time. Then, 3D modeling experts can create a precise 3D model based on the point cloud data formed from 3D scanning. 

You can utilize the laser scan data to check the print dimensions, look into product troubleshooting, create CAD models, and conduct competitive analysis after we transform the scan data into operational deliverables. We will give you access to on-site intelligence regardless of whether your project merely requires scanning or a variety of services. We can satisfy your needs for data delivery and make sure that your timeline is on track to achieve your objectives. This includes scanning, visualization, and data processing. 

Why Choose Our 3D Laser Scanning Services

  • High-accurate laser scanners to ensure quick and precise measurement.
  • Ensure to meet critical deadlines and improve your project productivity.
  • You can get the most accurate data the first time and focus on the task.
  • Eliminates the need for multiple site visits due to missing measurements.
  • Find out inaccuracies before they turn into rework or more changes.

What is 3D Laser Scanning & How It Works?

By using a high-speed laser scanning measurement technique, 3D laser scanning is a type of non-contact modeling technology that can swiftly gather the coordinates, reflectivity, color, and other details of each point on the object surface in a vast area and high resolution. A 1:1 true color three-dimensional point cloud model can be swiftly created from this vast and dense set of point data to serve as an accurate starting point for further processing and data analysis. Rapidity, high benefit, non-contact, penetration, dynamic, initiative, high density, high precision, strong digitization, automation, and real-time are some of its distinguishing characteristics. An effective and dependable method for extracting digital design files from solid items is 3D laser scanning.

Advantages of 3D Laser Scanning

  • A high density of data points can be easily collected, which can speed up the measuring process and project progress.
  • 3D laser scanning can provide more comprehensive and detailed /images than traditional methods.
  • The 3D laser scanner can achieve a high level of accuracy.
  • It reduces the amount of work required to complete subsequent steps of design and production.
  • There is no need to touch objects and is suitable for measuring small, complex, or fragile features that are easy to deform or damage.- 3D laser scanning is more cost-effective than most other measurement technologies.
  • It can record accurate measurement results up to hundreds of meters. This can help ensure the safety of the operator when there is a danger.
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Common Applications of 3D Laser Scanning

  1. When the required production data is difficult to collect, reverse engineering must be used to determine the design concept of items directly from the examination of produced products. Reverse engineering can benefit from the accurate 3D spatial data that can be quickly collected using 3D laser scanning technologies.
  2. Protection of cultural relics: Using 3D laser scanning technology to photograph and model the cultural relics entity and real scene, and applying computer three-dimensional graphic simulation to restore and reconstruct the original design and features of historic structures and sites using only fragments. Computer three-dimensional graphics technology can also be used to create three-dimensional objects, which can be used to create replicas of cultural artifacts or to reconstruct 3D models, preserve data, and aid in the restoration of cultural artifacts.
  3. Geographical information and space: 3D laser scanning measuring technology offers new technical ways for humans to acquire detailed geographical data. Inertial navigation system (INS), global positioning system (GPS), charge-coupled device (CCD), and other technologies, together with laser scanning technology, have demonstrated significant advantages in the high-precision real-time acquisition of large-scale digital elevation models, the reconstruction of urban three-dimensional models, the acquisition of geographic data in local areas, and have emerged as a key complement to photogrammetry and remote sensing technology.
  1. Manufacturing industry: the rapid prototyping method based on 3D laser scanner data provides another idea for product model design and development, shortens the design and manufacturing cycle and reduces the development cost.
  2. Medical fields: in the field of orthodontics and skull repair, 3D laser scanning technology is used for 3D data reconstruction and modeling.
  3. Game industry: from characters to scenes, using a 3D laser scanner to obtain data to build three-dimensional scenes not only has good visual effect and impact, but also the human and physical design and luxurious 3D scene depiction are extremely exquisite.
  4. Security assurance: the 3D model reconstructed based on a 3D laser scanner can be directly applied to the security identification of national defense units, law enforcement agencies and government agencies.